macaron tower colorful macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas macaron tray stand

Serving Macarons at Parties and Events

Macarons are delicate, vibrant, and delicious French pastries that have become a popular choice for serving at parties and events. These little treats are not only visually appealing but also offer a delightful burst of flavors.

Whether you’re hosting a wedding, a birthday celebration, or a casual get-together, serving macarons can elevate the experience for your guests. In this blog post, we will guide you through the art of serving macarons, from presentation to pairing, ensuring that your party becomes a masterpiece.

Macaron Tower green macarons christmas tree event macaron presentation and serving ideas
Macaron Tower green macarons christmas tree event macaron presentation and serving ideas
Macaron Tower green macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas baby shower macarons topper

Selection and Quantity

One of the most exciting aspects of serving macarons at a party or event is the wide array of flavors available. When choosing your macaron assortment, consider your guests’ preferences and aim for a diverse range of flavors.

By offering classics like vanilla, chocolate, and raspberry, you’ll satisfy those seeking familiar tastes. However, don’t be afraid to include more adventurous options like salted caramel, bubblegum, or exotic fruit flavors to intrigue and delight the taste buds of your guests.

To ensure everyone can sample different flavors, plan for at least two macarons per guest. This allows them to indulge in the rich variety of flavors you’ve carefully selected. See the table below for example quantities.

Offering an assortment will spark conversations and allow guests to compare their favorites, making the macaron experience even more memorable.

Example macaron quantities

People2 macarons per person3 macarons per person4 macarons per person
Pink macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas macaron tray stand
How to pipe heart shaped macaron shells pink white heart macarons


The presentation of macarons is an art form in itself. By incorporating visual elements that showcase their vibrant colors and delicate textures, you can elevate the overall aesthetic appeal of your event.

To create an enticing display, consider the following tips:

  • Tiered Stands: Utilize tiered stands or elegant serving trays to showcase the macarons. This not only provides an organized and visually pleasing arrangement but also adds a touch of sophistication to your party or event.
  • Color Coordination: Arrange the macarons in a way that creates a visually pleasing color palette. You can group them by shade or create a gradient effect, transitioning from light to dark or vice versa. The vibrant array of colors will capture your guests’ attention and make the display even more Instagram-worthy.
  • Decorative Accents: Add decorative elements that complement the macarons without overpowering their delicate flavors. Edible flowers, dusted cocoa, or powdered sugar can be used to enhance the overall visual appeal. These thoughtful touches will make your macaron presentation truly special.
Sparkling Wine Strawberry Macarons Edible Luster Dust Shiny
Pink macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas bear macarons cute

Display and Storage

To ensure your macarons remain fresh, visually appealing, and irresistible throughout your event, consider the following tips:

  • Temperature Control: Macarons are best served at room temperature, as this allows their flavors to fully develop. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight or areas with high humidity, as this can cause them to lose their texture. Find a cool and dry location to display your macarons, ensuring they remain pristine until they are enjoyed.
  • Storage: When storing macarons, it’s crucial to protect their delicate shells and fillings. Place them in an airtight container and refrigerate them, separating each layer with parchment paper to prevent sticking. Approximately 30 minutes before serving, remove them from the refrigerator to allow them to reach the ideal temperature and soften slightly. This ensures that each bite offers the perfect combination of flavors and textures.

TIP: I have put together a comprehensive post about how to Store Macarons. It goes into detail on every step of the process and should help you increase your success rate! I highly suggest you take the time to read this post thoroughly as well.

Serving Recommendations for Macarons

When it comes to serving macarons at parties and events, the presentation plays a significant role in capturing your guests’ attention. The first things to do are:

  • Choosing the Right Display: The first step in serving macarons at your event is selecting a suitable stand or tower. You can either purchase or rent a tower designed specifically for macarons. Look for a display that provides stability and allows for easy assembly and disassembly. The size of the display will depend on the number of macarons you plan to serve. Consider the height, tiers, and overall aesthetic to match the theme of your event.
  • Preparing the Macarons: You can either bake them yourself or purchase them from a reputable bakery. Ensure that the macarons are consistent in size and shape to ensure stability and a uniform appearance when stacked on the tower. Choose an assortment of flavors to provide variety and cater to different preferences.
Pastel yellow lemon macarons
White macarons with flower painted on it

Trays and Stands

Acrylic Macaron Tray – An acrylic tray offers a clean and minimal look, allowing the vibrant colors of macarons to shine. Its sleek design highlights the beauty and details of the macarons, creating a tidy and professional appearance. It complements various events, from weddings to corporate gatherings, with its versatile and contemporary style.

The transparency of the tray makes it ideal for selling macarons in bakeries or markets, allowing customers to easily choose their preferred flavors. It provides an organized and enticing display that enhances the shopping experience. Additionally, the tray facilitates color sorting, enabling visually appealing arrangements and quick flavor selection.

Acrylic macaron tray sweets cakes wedding serving desserts
diy macaron tower macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas macaron tray stand bakery farmers market

Acrylic Stand With LED Lights – Adding LED lights to an acrylic tray enhances the visual impact and allure of the macaron display. The soft glow illuminates the macarons, highlighting their beauty while maintaining a sleek look. It’s perfect for evening events, providing both practical lighting and an elegant atmosphere.

The illumination enhances the colors and details of the macarons, creating a memorable experience. This versatile tray is suitable for various occasions, easily blending with different themes. The battery-operated lights make it portable and reusable for future events, maximizing its value.

Acrylic macaron tray LED lights sweets cakes wedding serving desserts
Acrylic macaron tray LED lights sweets cakes wedding serving desserts

4-Tier Wooden Stand – The 4-tier hexagonal wood macaron stand is a charming and sturdy display holder for showcasing your macarons. With its rustic farmhouse appeal and multi-tiered design, it adds visual interest and depth to your dessert presentation. The stand makes a great gift for baking enthusiasts.

Wooden rustic macaron tray sweets cakes wedding serving desserts
Wooden rustic macaron tray sweets cakes wedding serving desserts

3-Tier Porcelain Stand Pastel Colors – The 3-tier pastel-colored porcelain macaron stand is a charming and versatile choice for summer and spring parties, baby showers, and other special occasions. Its elegant design and durable construction make it perfect for showcasing your macarons in a stylish and organized manner.

Pastel porcelain macaron tray sweets cakes wedding serving desserts
Colorful macarons in a box

2 Set of 3-Tier White Plastic Stand – The 2-set of 3-tier white plastic macaron stands is an affordable and easy-to-clean option for displaying your macarons. Despite the cost-effective material, these stands maintain a sleek and attractive appearance, providing a stable and organized presentation for your sweet treats.

Plastic White macaron tray sweets cakes wedding serving desserts
Plastic White macaron tray sweets cakes wedding serving desserts

Macaron Towers

One visually stunning and impressive way to serve these delicate French pastries is through a macaron tower. A macaron tower not only serves as a centerpiece but also allows guests to pluck their favorite macarons from a beautiful display.

The Best Macaron Towers

There are plenty of different macaron tower options out there:

Clear Plastic Macaron Tower – Clear plastic macaron towers are a popular and affordable choice for displaying macarons. They offer convenience, affordability, and practicality. With easy assembly and disassembly, they are lightweight and convenient for storage and transportation.

Despite their affordable price, they provide stability and can securely hold the weight of the macarons. The small edges on each tier ensure that the macarons stay in place. Clear plastic macaron towers are a reliable and long-lasting option for showcasing your macarons at parties and events.

The good thing is – you can serve fruits, snacks, and berries on the macaron tower as well!

macaron tower bubblegum macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas macaron tray stand cake topper
macaron tower for snacks event macaron presentation and serving ideas macaron tray stand

Clear 8-Tier Acrylic Macaron Tower – The Clear 8-Tier Acrylic Macaron Tower offers a sleek and elegant display for showcasing your macarons. Its transparent design allows the vibrant colors to shine through, creating an eye-catching presentation.

With multiple tiers and sturdy construction, it provides a stable and visually appealing centerpiece for any event. Easy to clean and reusable, this tower is a practical and stylish choice for serving macarons.

Wooden Macaron Tower – A wooden macaron tower exudes a rustic and natural charm. These towers are often made from high-quality wood and offer a simple yet elegant design. They are perfect for events with a more organic or vintage-inspired theme, adding warmth and a touch of nature to your display.

My wooden macaron tower is made by my friend. Can you believe it? How wonderful it is to have a macaron tower made by a friend with such skilled hands! Handcrafted items always carry a special significance and a personal touch that adds to their value and uniqueness. I find similar ones on online as well, you can find them here.

Macaron Tower green macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas baby shower macarons topper
Macaron Tower green macarons christmas tree event macaron presentation and serving ideas

Customizable DIY Macaron Tower – Customize your own macaron tower to match your style and event theme. It’s a cost-effective and creative alternative that allows for complete customization.

Materials for DIY Macaron Tower:

  1. Foam cone: Choose a foam cone in the size that suits your desired height and number of tiers.
  2. Non-toxic glue: Ensure the glue you use is safe for food contact.
  3. Bamboo Toothpicks: Select toothpicks that are long enough to securely hold the macarons.
  4. Tissue paper: Pick a decorative paper that matches your event theme or personal style.
  5. Additional decorations: Optional items like candies, sweets, artificial flowers, or other decorative elements can be added to enhance the overall appearance of the tower.
diy macaron tower macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas macaron tray stand cake topper
diy macaron tower macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas macaron tray stand


  1. Cover the foam cone: Cut the tissue paper into strips wide enough to wrap around the foam cone. Apply a small amount of non-toxic glue to one end of a strip and attach it to the base of the cone. Continue wrapping the strip around the cone, gluing it in place as you go. Repeat this process until the entire foam cone is covered with tissue paper. Trim any excess paper at the top of the cone.
  2. Insert toothpicks: Take toothpicks and carefully insert them into the foam cone at an angle, ensuring that the pointed ends stick out slightly. Space the toothpicks evenly and adjust their angles to create a stable base for the macarons. The toothpicks act as holders for the macarons, keeping them securely in place.
  3. Assemble the macarons: Gently slide the macarons onto the exposed part of the toothpicks, placing them close to each other to create a visually pleasing arrangement. Ensure that the macarons are firmly attached to the toothpicks, but be careful not to squeeze them too tightly to avoid damaging their delicate texture.
  4. Fill the empty spaces: If desired, you can fill any gaps or empty spaces between the macarons with additional candies, sweets, or decorative items. This not only adds visual appeal but also provides support for the macarons and helps to stabilize the tower.
  5. Optional decorations: To further enhance the aesthetic appeal of your macaron tower, consider adding flowers, ribbons, or other decorative elements. These additional touches can complement your event theme or add a touch of elegance and charm.

Remember to handle the macaron tower with care during transportation and display it in a stable location to prevent any accidental tipping or damage.

With these simple steps, you can create a personalized and eye-catching DIY macaron tower that will impress your guests and make your event even more memorable. Enjoy the process of crafting your own unique display and delight in the delicious treats it holds.

Assembly Process

Once the macarons are assembled on the tower (except for a DIY foam cone tower), it becomes challenging to move the tower without risking damage or compromising the stability of the display. Therefore, it is crucial to plan the placement of the macaron tower before beginning the assembly process.

macaron tower colorful macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas macaron tray stand
macaron tower macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas macaron tray stand cake topper

Here’s a step-by-step guide to assembling your macaron tower:

  1. Start by placing the base tier of the tower on a stable surface. If your tower comes with a base plate, attach it securely
  2. Place macarons side by side, creating a circular pattern on the base tier
  3. Once the base tier is complete, move on to the next one. Place the next tier on top of the base tier, ensuring it aligns properly. Repeat the process until the second tier is filled
  4. Continue this process, adding tiers and macarons until you have assembled the desired height of your macaron tower
  5. For the top tier, you can add decorative elements such as a cake topper or flowers to give it a finishing touch.

Presentation and Serving

Serving macarons through a stunning macaron tower or tray is a show-stopping way to captivate your guests’ attention and create a memorable experience. Here are some presentation and serving tips for you:

  • Position the macaron tower or tray in a prominent location, such as the center of the dessert table or as a standalone centerpiece.
  • Decorate the area around the tower or tray with flowers, greenery, or other decorative elements that match your event theme.
  • Provide small plates or napkins nearby.
  • Consider adding labels next to each macaron flavor to help guests identify and choose their favorites.
macaron tower colorful macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas macaron tray stand
macaron tower colorful macarons event macaron presentation and serving ideas macaron tray stand


Serving macarons at parties and events allows you to create a truly memorable experience for your guests. By carefully selecting a variety of flavors, presenting them in an appealing manner, and considering beverage pairings, you can turn your event into a macaron masterpiece.

Macarons are not just delightful treats, they serve as conversation starters and add an elegant touch to any gathering. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of serving macarons at your next party or event. Indulge your guests’ senses and watch as they fall in love with the artistry and flavors of these delicate French pastries.

Enjoy your macarons!
Belli xx